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A HONG KONG, Local Gym and Sports Brand.
We established from December, 2019. At the first, we were building up by the first distribution of ShakeSphere UK.
After the general agent had been purchased, we are focus on build up a local brand which is belonging to HONG KONG.
We do not need to shop from overseas only, but here.
If our customers have any questions, problems, opinions, we can take care on it immediately. 


Our products mainly focus on:
 ‧ Functional 
 ‧ Quality 
 ‧ Exterior 

We are always doing researches and improvements from sloper pattern, details, materials, designs etc.,
We hopes every single product can be manufacture perfectly from factory to your hands.
That's why we always spending a lot of time to seek out the good factories, not just chopping a logo from taobao with lower quality.



Besides, we also focus and support on promote and improve local Gym and Sports.
We are willing to co-operate with different company, association, or even athlete.
We used to collaborated with different private gym company, athletes, local small business etc., we hope we can improve the levels of HONG KONG Sports.